Acer campbellii ssp sinense Rare Chinese Maple
Acer campbellii ssp sinense
Rare Japanese Maple
Zones 7-9
Do you like fall color? haha. Check out this Japanese maple relative from China. Acer campbellii ssp sinense. This tree has the exceptional fall color oranges and reds that is one of the brightest and one of my favorites to watch each year.
Acer campbellii ssp. sinense is an amazing maple. It leafs out in the early spring with large chartreuse green palmate leaves that are larger but very similar to it's close cousin, the Japanese maple, or Acer palmatum. It is in fact so close of a relative that this specimen from wild collection was grafted onto Acer palmatum rootstock. Campbell's Sinese maple forms a great mid-sized hardy upright tree to 12-15ft in 20 years. Great specimens thrive in Chapel Hill, NC and Philadelphia, PA showing this tree's range of hardiness for the Southern heat and cold tolerance for the North. Fall colors of this maple are outstanding bright oranges to reds.
Limited Quantities Available !! As we have over a thousand cultivars of Japanese maples, we often do not have many of each cultivar. We recommend that you buy the Japanese maples you want immediately as we often sell out of certain selections.