Acer japonicum 'Ao jutan' Japanese Maple
Acer japonicum 'Ao jutan'
Weeping Full Moon Japanese Maple
Zones 5-9
'Ao jutan' is the closest thing there is of the japonicums to a laceleaf cascading type. The leaf itself has lobes and sublobes that are reminiscent of your typical Acer palmatum dissectum but on a larger japonicum leaf. This helps distinguish this selection at young age from 'Green Cascade'. Its name 'Ao jutan' translates directly as "blue green weeper". As this selection matures, it reaches 2 ft in height by 5-6 ft in width making it one of the shortest and most wide-spreading dissectums. Found as a chance seedling by Ed Wood and introduced by Talon Buchholz, this Acer japonicum is the ideal laceleaf. The japonicums hold onto their leaves for about 2 weeks longer than most of the palmatums, which is why the Japanese often use them for fall color plantings. In autumn, 'Ao jutan' turns to bright oranges, as deep reds to purples slowly engulf the leaf to a create a true splendor in the garden.
Limited Quantities Available !! As we have over a thousand cultivars of Japanese maples, we often do not have many of each cultivar. We recommend that you buy the Japanese maples you want immediately as we often sell out of certain selections.