Acer japonicum 'Mai kujaku' Dancing Peacock Japanese Maple
Acer japonicum 'Mai kujaku'
Mai kujaku Aconitifolium Fernleaf Dancing Peacock Full Moon Japanese Maple Tree
Zones 5-9
'Mai kujaku’ is an upright japonicum cultivar. Trees from the japonicum species have many of the same characteristics as palmatum though they are often exaggerated. This is the case with ‘Mai kujaku’ as the flowers are larger and more prominently displayed. In the early spring, the larger deep red blooms contrast greatly with the bright green leaves.
The leaf shape is very large and has long exaggerated fern-like lobes. The tree maintains a beautiful deep green coloration throughout the summer. During autumn, ‘Mai kujaku’ blasts off with an amazing spectrum of color. The deep green leaves start to develop a brilliant “fire engine red” border. This color eventually overtakes the entire leaf in a dramatic form as the tree goes through magnificent shades of red and orange. ‘Mai kujaku’ means dancing peacock. 'Mai kujaku' is often sold in the nursery trade as 'Aconitifolium' or a "fern leaf" or "full moon" maple tree.
It is easy to see this beautiful analogy as the fall colors start to show over the long lobes. The habit of this tree is upright and often multi-branching. This tree reaches 15 ft in 20 years. ‘Mai kujaku’ is a striking cultivar that will add an amazing presence to anywhere it is planted.