Acer palmatum 'Kingsville #1' Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Kingsville #1'
'Kingsville #1' Red Japanese Maple
Zones 5-9
Donated to the US National Arboretum in April of 1969 by Kingsville Nursery, this Japanese maple selection is believed to be the original code name for rare and prized 'Kingsville Red'. As this Japanese maple tree matures, this selection gets one of the roundest leaves of any of the red upright Japanese maples.
'Kingsville #1' leafs out in the early spring as bright red turning to deep maroon on rounded leaf that gets so wide that the leaf twists. If one were pull a leaf off a mature tree and sit it flat on a surface, one would clearly see how each leaf looks like waves in the ocean or rolling hills because of this twisting habit.
While the overall appearance of this Japanese maple selection appears to hold its color well throughout the summer, an upclose inspection shows a pleasant emerald hue that comes into the center each leaf which makes for wonderful photos and adds to this trees beauty in the garden. Fall colors range from a bright fiery red to an even deeper and full maroon. 'Kingsville #1' will reach 15ft in height in 20 years and makes a great mid-sized upright for the garden and landscape.
Limited Quantities Available !! As we have over a thousand cultivars of Japanese maples, we often do not have many of each cultivar. We recommend that you buy Japanese maples you want immediately as we often sell out of certain selections.