Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood Tree
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Rare Conifer - Dawn Redwood Tree
Zones 4-8
Dawn redwoods are large fast growing trees. These redwood trees have dark green deciduous foliage. The red bark on this conifer is extremely beautiful providing great winter interest. Metasequoia can grow up 4-5 ft per year in the right conditions, reaching over 100 ft at maturity. Dawn redwoods are easy to grow and exceptionally adaptable to most growing conditions. Once established these trees are drought resistant. It is best to plan ahead and plant these large faster growing trees in open spaces. Dawn Redwoods are trees that date back very far on the fossil records and are considered living fossils. Make sure to plant a dawn redwood in your landscape and enjoy their majestic beauty.
Limited Quantities Available !! As we have a large selection cultivars of Dawn Redwoods we often do not have many of each cultivar. We recommend that you buy Dawn Redwood you want immediately as we often sell out of certain selections.